Death- A double Entendre

A double entendre as the oxford dictionary puts it, is a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which could be indecent. Understanding death as a double entendre is one of such matters that could open your understanding to the innuendos of how we interpret other matters in the Christendom. Follow me!
A lot is said often in dread when it comes to the use of the word “death” and its figures of speech. We would be looking at this seeming scary word with the objective of laying in bare for what it really is.
Death could be the very validation of life and without it, our appreciation for the gift of life will be non-existent. Like darkness (the absence of light) and curse (the absence of blessings), death is not particularly the stifling of life but the absence thereof.
For the unbeliever, it is forfeiting the energies of God by living unto himself (you can call it being selfish). It is embracing through his flesh (strength/wisdom) a coping mechanism of self-sustenance void of Jesus the Christ.
Death for the Christian is not for her to commit suicide as penance for her sins. No! Death as scary as it has been, is bliss for the Christian. It is the putting to an end, a life lived independently of Christ without literally dying. It is in other words, “living unto Christ. “
You may currently be between thoughts of suicide and the oblivion of a lurking miracle. Laying before you constantly, is life and death. Trust me, life is not your problem therefore, death is not the solution.
Death by your hands is the beginning of another life you are most uncertain of. Jesus’ death was the beginning of a much better life that we can be certain of by faith. Embrace his death and live.
Our Reference Text:
Deut 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live
Written By:
Bolu Olatunji