The horse called Konji

Definition of terms: Etymology- it means Chinese rice pudding. It is currently been in use rather loosely to mean the ejaculate of a male and female. It has become a slang in the western African socio-geological plains to mean “to be strongly sexually aroused”. There’s a common saying in Nigeria that Konji is a bastard. What did this poor horse do to us?
To be strongly sexually aroused, proves our being human and arguably shows that we are healthily responding to sexual stimuli. However, our reactions or response to it as Christians really matters and is a determinant in how we please God or grieve his spirit.
I affectionately apologise if this looks as though I am polluting your mind but this is a very pressing issue in the church today that people seldomly talk about and have found coping mechanisms to deal with it in the dark (when and where they feel no one is watching). We make excuses that “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Jesus, matt:26:41). We don’t even understand the context of this passage of scripture; we consider it reason enough to mess around, and we go on reveling in the quagmire of our inordinate affections like pigs in a sty.
We often times are fooled into believing that we can get over sexual addictions by just having a constant partner (spouse) who can quench the hunger of our proclivities. In my study and experience with people, I have found that a fallacious claim. If you cannot be chaste as an unmarried person, then your chances of being faithful as a couple are slimmer than a dental floss (According to wf-lawyers, 55% of divorce cases were as a result of infidelity). This sex thing seems to be a real issue even among the people of God. From the young, to the old. People are losing their heads and estates over fleeting moments of pleasure.
Now, some of us were abused as children by elderly ones who couldn’t deal with their perversion. Some of us were baptized into the irrational acts of viewing pornography through peer pressure, some of us even discovered these sex tapes in our parent’s bedroom while doing chores. By the way, Kamasutra, Panga-ranga, pornography, don’t help you have sex better: they make you worship the act (that which you worship, you cannot do without). Many husbands want to get their wife to contort in various angles like he’s seen in movies. That doesn’t bring glory nor honour (which is something we now consider uncool) to the woman. You have successfully condescended her into a sex toy. Sex is actually the conversation of the soul with the cooperation of the body for the purpose of pleasure and procreation. We should know that God orchestrated sex in the confines of marriage and that it should be enjoyed and rewarded only in that context.
Konji, is like a horse. You need to learn to ride it when necessary not under impulse. You should be able to see a lady in clothing and not have a boner. Your ability to ride Konji is a result of how thoroughly you fellowship with God’s word. You learn to love with your heart and not with your sexual organs.
This is an introduction into a series on mastering appetites.
#Bolu Olatunji
Prayer: Lord, help me see as you see.